KeBiscotto Tiramisu

KeBiscotto Tiramisu

Non sai da dove iniziare?

Fai il nostro QUIZ! Ottieni GRATIS la Guida personalizzata per raggiungere il tuo obiettivo.

This dessert is incredibly good and at the same time simple to make. You definitely have to try it!

Suitable for ketogenic and therefore Low Carb, gluten free. In this case, it is not dairy free.

Ingredients for two glasses

  • 2 Kebiscotto
  • 2 yolks
  • 40 g erythritol powder (optional)
  • vanilla extract (optional)
  • 15 ml mocha coffee at room temperature
  • 120 ml full cream
  • 120 g mascarpone cheese
  • cocoa powder 


  1. Let's prepare the cream: mix together yolks, erythritol and vanilla and let it go in a bain-marie. Keep low heat and continue stirring for 7-10 minutes.
  2. Remove from heat. Add coffee (room temp) and mix on medium-low speed until thick enough. Then set aside.
  3. In a separate bowl, whip the cream.
  4. Add the mascarpone to the mixture with the egg yolks. Mix on low speed until creamy.
  5. Gently add to the bowl with the whipped cream and mix from the bottom up carefully until a smooth mixture is created.
  6. Soak the cookie in the coffee for a few seconds and then place it at the base of the glass (you can also break it). Put the first layer of cream on top. Then more cookie and then more cream until you reach the desired height.

Enjoy your meal!


Autore: Cristian disisto

Master Specialistico nella forza e nutrizione per le Alte Prestazioni Sportive in corso, Dott. Magistrale in Ingegneria, Co-fondatore

Revisore: Dott. Francesco Marinelli,

Nutrizionista Funzionale - Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner®


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