perdi fino a 2kg a settimana segui questi 7 step

Lose up to 2kg per week: follow these 7 steps

Losing weight is simple, but obviously you need to know how. In this guide 7 simple steps to follow consistently to achieve your goal.

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1. Train in the morning, before even eating

Instead, we usually do exactly the opposite: first we fail, then we believe we can recover with a bit of training. That's not how our body works at all, so don't do it.

Training in the late afternoon or evening is great, but we're more likely to skip it. This is because we arrive tired, we are at the end of our day, it's almost time for dinner and finding the time and strength to train is not easy.

Training in the morning means you have more energy, be more productive throughout the day and make healthier decisions. Try to organize yourself, it could change your life.

2. Eat until you are full, not full

It's a big mistake and many people make it: eating until you explode, "oh God, stop, I can't fit anything anymore". So, you're eating too much.

Eat your fill, when you start asking yourself "do I still want that? Maybe I could eat something else?", you're already full, stop.

Leave the calories alone and think about the quality of the food, if you eat healthy food your body will tell you when you are really hungry and when you need to stop eating.

Help yourself by using smaller plates, so you don't feel the pressure of necessarily having to finish everything on your plate.

Finally, start with the right things: protein, vegetables, and everything cooked and seasoned with healthy fats. If you start with classic pasta, you will end up eating two dishes and then you will no longer be hungry to eat what is good for you: meat, fish, eggs and vegetables.

3. Don't drink alcohol

It's not true that wine is good for you every day, it's nice to believe but it's not like that.

Alcohol destroys the quality of sleep, making you more tired the next day and more likely to make bad decisions, without considering that it worsens your mood in the following days.

It decreases muscle growth, lowers testosterone production and makes it more difficult for you to train as you are exhausted, for all the reasons just listed.

There are no good reasons to drink alcohol, except occasionally to be in company. Every now and again.

4. Decrease the feeding window to 8 hours

Nothing else means than doing 16/8 intermittent fasting, which we talked about extensively in one of our guides.

The fasting window lasts 16 hours but don't let that scare you:

  • 8 hours of sleep
  • 2-3 hours after dinner
  • 1 hour before the classic breakfast

Normally 12 hours already pass, you make a little more effort and it arrives at lunch time. You will realize that you will save money and time, you will feel better and you will never want to go back.

Obviously, it helps a lot with losing weight and is a great reason to try it.

You can choose to skip breakfast, or you can choose to have it and skip dinner instead. You choose, based on your preference and lifestyle.

5. Make protein the main part of your dish

Proteins are the category of foods that are most filling (meat, fish, eggs), this obviously means eating less and feeling less hungry during the day.

The problem for many is that they don't eat proteins, they only eat carbohydrates. It's obvious that you then gain weight and feel hungry all day.

Make protein the main part of your dish, add lots of vegetables and cook and season with healthy fats: this is the key to healthy eating.

6. Always have healthy food on hand

It is useless to have junk food in the house if we know that it is bad for our health and that it makes us fat by being hungry all day. It's useless, but everyone does it. Extremely wrong.

Why put ourselves in the position of having to resist temptations, when it would be enough not to have everything at home?

Stock your pantry with healthy food: meat, eggs, fish, dried fruit, seeds, berries, healthy fats and obviously ketofood products to never give up the pleasure of eating :)

7. Make training your daily drug

There is no better "pill" than training to be fit and have great self-esteem. When you can be consistent, it improves your mind, mood and body obviously.

Anyone can build the body of their dreams, it clearly takes time and we need to be patient. We can't expect to transform ourselves in just two weeks, can we?

Once you have achieved your goal, you will never want to go back, you will no longer be able to do without it.

Of course, you have to be consistent. To be consistent, you have to find something that you like to do, that makes you have fun and that makes you feel good.

The most effective training for each goal is weight training, but if you don't like it, there's no point starting from here. Find a sport, go running with friends and so on.

We have reached the end, every step we have seen is simple and applicable to anyone. As always, it must be our priority, otherwise they remain words and will never become facts.

Do you want to be fit and live your best life? Follow these tips and you will succeed 100%.

Autore: Cristian disisto

Master Specialistico nella forza e nutrizione per le Alte Prestazioni Sportive in corso, Dott. Magistrale in Ingegneria, Co-fondatore

Revisore: Dott. Francesco Marinelli,

Nutrizionista Funzionale - Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner®


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